
Idag visar jag er denna sminkning som jag gjorde när vi var i Sverige där jag använt mig av Anastasia Beverly Hills Lavish palett. Jag har inte haft möjlighet att visa den tidigare och ibland är det faktiskt bra att ha lite sminkningar på lager. 🙂
Anastasia Beverly Hills produkterna är helt underbara och snart kommer jag äntligen kunna beställa hennes Dipbrow Pomade i färgen Blonde. Den har varit slut på många hemsidor men ska förhoppningsvis komma in under den närmsta perioden. Om någon är intresserad att beställa hennes produkter kolla först upp olika hemsidor för priserna kan variera ganska mycket. Jag kommer antagligen att beställa den från…om det kommer in i lager det vill säga.
Hoppas ni har en riktigt bra dag!

Today I show you this make up I made when we were in Sweden. I used Anastasia Beverly Hills Lavish palette to create it. I haven’t had the chance to show it to you until now. Once in a while it’s actually good to have some back up make ups. 🙂
The products from Anastasia Beverly Hills are fantastic and soon I’ll finally be able to order her Dipbrow Pomade in color Blonde. It has been out of stock on many websites but hopefully it’ll be back within a short period from now. If someone are interested in ordering her products check and compare different websites first since the prices can vary a bit. I’ll probably order mine from…if it’ll come back in stock soon.
Wish you all a fantastic day!

Oggi vi faccio vedere questo trucco che ho fatto quando eravamo in Svezia. Ho usato la mia Lavish palette della Anastasia Berverly Hills. Non ho avuto modo du farvelo vedere prima. Devo dire che ogni tanto è buono avere qualche trucco di scorta. 🙂
I prodotti della Anastasia Beverly Hills sono ottimi e tra poco avrò finalmente la possibilità di ordinare la sua Dipbrow Pomade nel colore Blonde. Nei molti siti web è stato esaurito da tempo ma se va tutto bene dovrebbe tornare disponibile tra poco. Se siete interessati a ordinare i suoi prodotti fate prima un confronto di vari siti perché i prezzi variano. Io molto probabilmente lo ordinerò da…se tornerà disponibile voglio dire.
Vi auguro una bella giornata!

  1. Prime the eyelids with Urban Decay’s primer potion anti-aging. Highlight under the eyebrows with CREAM.
  2. Blend in SIENNA above the crease.
  3. From the middle to the outer crease and out V blend in BLACK DIAMOND.
  4. From the middle to the inner crease blend in ANTIQUE.
  5. In the inner corner of the eye apply BALLET.
  6. From the inner part to the middle mobile eyelid apply RUM CAKE.
  7. From the middle to the outer mobile eyelid first apply NYX jumbo eye pencil in HORSE RADDISH and over it apply MOSS.
  8. Under the lower lashline from the inner part to the middle apply PINK SAPPHIRE. From the middle to the outer part apply BLACK DIAMOND. Blend it out.
  9. Line the inner part of the waterline using Make Up Forever’s Kohl Pencil 7K Metal Gold and line the outer part with NYX RADDISH HORSE pencil. Over the gold apply RUM CAKE and over the green apply MOSS.
  10. Apply MAC’s fluidline eye-liner gel in Blacktrack and make a wing.
  11. Apply mascara and put on false eyelashes.
  12. As a face contour use Bronzing Veil. On the cheeks apply Collistar’s silk effect blusher/eyeshadow nr2 and highlight the cheekbones with Benefit’s Sun Beam.
  13. On the lips apply Motives Rich Formula lip stick in Natural. Done!

You got it

Idag har jag gjort en till sminkning där jag använt mig av Anastasia Beverly Hills Lavish Palette. Den är verkligen helt fantastisk!
Ha en riktigt bra tisdag!

Today I’ve made another make up where I’ve used Anastasia Beverly Hills Lavish Palette. This palette is really amazing!
Have a great Tuesday!

Oggi ho fatto un altro trucco dove ho usato la Lavish Palette della Anastasia Beverly Hills. Questa palette è davvero stupenda!
Buona giornata!

  1. Prime the eyelids with Urban Decay’s primer potion anti-aging. Apply NYX jumbo eye pencil in HORSE RADDISH from the inner to the middle mobile eyelid, in the inner corner of the eye and under the lower lashline to the middle. Over it apply MOSS.
  2. Apply PINK SAPPHIRE from the middle mobile eyelid to the outer part.
  3. Highlight under the eyebrows with CREAM and blend in a mix of ORANGE SODA and SIENNA above the crease as a transition color.
  4. In the outer corner of the eye apply BLACK DIAMOND and blend it out and up in the crease. Apply it also under the lower lashline from the outer corner to the middle. Then under blend in ORANGE SODA and SIENNA.
  5. Line upper and lower waterline with Anastasia Beverly Hills Cover Waterproof Eyeliner in NOIR and apply Motives gel eyeliner in Little Black Dress and make a wing.
  6. Under the lower lashline just on the green part apply a glitter gel and over it some green loose glitter.
  7. Apply mascara and put on Ardell’s color impact Demi Wispies in color Wine.
  8. As a face contour use Bronzing Veil. On the cheeks apply Sephora’s blush in Romantic Rose and highlight the cheekbones with Benefit’s Sun Beam.
  9. On the lips apply Motives Lipgloss Radiant Glow. Done!

Anastasia Beverly Hills

Ok, här behövs inte mycket mer säga än att dessa är de absolut bästa ögonsbryns produkter jag någonsin testat. Jag har provat dessa i två veckor nu och är otroligt nöjd. Äntligen har jag hittat de perfekta produkterna och färgerna. Och alla kan verkligen hitta sin rätta ögonbrynsfärg då valdet är riktigt stort. Nu saknar jag bara Anastasias Dip Brow Pomade för att vara helt nöjd
Även ögonskuggorna i Lavish paletten är fantstiska! Jag har gjort en sminknig hittils som kommer att komma upp framöver.

Ok, here not much more need to be said that than these are the best eyebrow products I’ve ever tried. I’ve been using them for two weeks now and I’m incredibly satisfied.  Finally I’ve found the perfect products and colors. And everyone can find the right color for their eyebrows since the selection is so wide. Now I just miss Anastasia’s Dip Brow Pomade then I’ll be completely satisfied.
Also the eyeshadows from the Lavish palette are fantastic. I’ve made one make up using them that I’ll post ahead.

Ok, qui non c’è bisogno di dire tanto tranne che questi sono i migliori prodotti per le sopraciglia che abbia mai provato. Li ho usato per due settimane ora e sono contentissima. Finalmente ho trovato i prodotti e i colori perfetti. Ognuno riesce a trovare il suo colore perfetto qui visto la vasta gamma che offre. Ora mi manca soltanto il Dip Brow Pomade per essere cento percento soddisfatta.
Gli ombretti della Lavish palette sono anche loro fantastici. Sono riuscita a fare un trucco per ora che pubblicerò più avanti.