
Från en riktigt klassisk sminkning igår till en mer dramatisk idag. Det är alltid kul att variera sig lite.
Om någon ska ut i helgen kan denna sminkning passa riktigt bra som fest sminkning. 🙂
Hoppas ni har en bra fredag!

From a real classic make up yesterday to a more dramatic make up today. It’s always fun to vary the looks.
If someone is going out this weekend this could be a good party make up. 🙂
Hope you’re having a freat Friday!

Da un trucco classico ieri a un trucco più dramatico oggi. Bisogna sempre variare un pò i trucchi.
Questo trucco è sicuramente adatto ad una serata fuori questo fine settimana. 🙂
Buon inizio della fine settimana!

  1. Prime the eyelids with Urban Decay’s primer potion anti-aging.
  2. In the outer V of the eye apply LOVESICK and blend it out and up in the crease.
  3. Highlight under the eyebrows with VIRGIN and blend in BUCK above the crease as a transition color.
  4. In the inner corner of the eye and inner part of the mobile eyelid apply SHELLSHOCK. From the middle to the outer mobile eyelid apply STRIKE.
  5. Under the lower lashline apply VOODOO and blend it out. Line the waterline with NYX jumbo eye pencil in MILK and over it pack on BETRAYAL.
  6. Line the waterline with a black cake eyeliner and make a wing. (I used Kryolan’s Black cake eyeliner)
  7. Apply a silver glitter over the silver eyeshadow on the mobile eyelid and a gold glitter over the gold eyeshadow. I used Urban Decay’s heavy metal glitter eyeliner in GLAM ROCK and BAKED.
  8. Apply mascara and put on false eyelashes.
  9. As a face contour use Brozning Veil. On the cheeks apply Sephora’s blush Romantic Rose.
  10. On the lips I applied Sleek’s True Colour Lipstick in Heartbreaker. And for a more neutral lip I used Elf’s studio matte lip colour in Coral and over it Elf’s 2 in 1 conditioning gloss Supermodel. Done!