Un Giorno Credi

Idag blir det lite mer färgglatt igen, i softa toner. Grönt och lila är en fin kombination tycker jag.
Inatt vaknade Oliver och hade feber, han mår ganska bra trots allt så jag hoppas det går över fort. Alma hade feber en dag och sen var det över, dessa dagis förkylningar…

Something more colorful today, in soft shades. I think green and purple is a nice combination.
Oliver woke up with fever tonight, he’s not feeling too bad fortunately so I hope he’ll get well soon. Alma had fever one day and then is was over, these Kindergarten colds…

  1. Prime the eyes with Too Faced shadow insurance and apply NYX jumbo eye pencil in MILK over the mobile eyelid.
  2. In the inner corner apply a light purple eyeshadow. Over the middle eyelid apply a light green eyeshadow. In the outer corner blend in a dark browngreen eyeshadow and blend it up in the crease. Just in the outer V add a bit of a darkgreen eyeshadow.
  3. Over the crease blend in a rusty orange colored eyeshadow and highlight under the eyebrows with a light eyeshadow.
  4. Apply MAC’s fluidline eye-liner gel Blacktrack and make a wing.
  5. Under the eye apply NYX MILK pencil and over it the same eyeshadows as over the eye. Add some white shimmer to the inner corner of the eye.
  6. Line the waterline with a white eyepencil, put on mascara and false eyelasehes.
  7. As a face contour use Bronzing Veil, apply the light pink blush over the cheeks and highlight the cheekbones with Luminize. (Too Faced the secret to no make up make up.)
  8. On the lips apply Elf’s Lipstick Captivating. Done!

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